Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution is a vital skill that involves handling confrontations tactfully and constructively. There are numerous types of preventative measures that can be used to promote positive relationships, minimise conflict risks and at the same time eliminate the need to spend valuable resources.
Training and educating are the most effective preventative measurements that will help employers to fill the gaps they might have therefore training in confliict management will minimize possible frustrations and mishandling confrontational behaviour.
Informal discussions involve talking through issues, which gives people plenty of opportunity to voice concerns, agree on a solution, and clear the air.
A conflict resolution policy establishes that the company has zero-tolerance for abusive behaviour and encourages employees to report concerns and complaints early so situations doesn’t escalate. This helps to effectively diffuse a hostile situation and resolve contention between employees before it escalates and means the business won’t be worn down by constant friction.
Anything that disrupts the office, impacts on productivity, or poses a threat to other employees needs addressing. The degree to which you tolerate a situation before intervention may vary. Applying conflict risk assessment may help with deciding on the situation and determine what preventative or corrective measures are needed. Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to bring down morale or effect productivity.
That is why is very important not to ignore the problem as conflicts tend not to disappear and become harder to tackle the longer you leave them.
Unhealthy conflict is when it becomes personal and emotional and judgment gets clouded. By contrast, good conflict can lead to higher levels of trust.
Listening to another’s person issue is the first and most important step in resolving conflict. Eliminate distractions, don’t listen with pre-conceived ideas, ask questions, and ensure you truly listen to what others are telling you. Encourage others to do the same. People have different perspectives and opinion, so it is important not to criticise them. Instead,
focus on identifying the cause of the conflict, promote tolerance and understanding, and aim to reach a solution or compromise.
The right way in tackling conflict is important for creating a working culture that enables peak performance, while maximising efficiencies. Staying in tune to your company culture and the needs of individuals will always be your best measurement in assessing how to handle conflict in the workplace.
A collaborative problem-solving approach, keeping conversations goal-oriented and focusing on the root of the problem will help in creating an environment in which everyone feels listened and nurtured.